
Nitish's personal web page and blog

Normalizing Data For Machine Learning

Is Data Normalization always needed? Data Normalization, also known as feature scaling is often the first step in the preprocessing pipeline before running the machine learning model. Not all ML algorithms required normalized data, but it rarely hurts. ML Models that can handle features with drastically different scales... [Read More]

Cohort Analysis And Retention Rate Using R And Shiny

Retention Rate & Cohort Analysis Within the e-commerce field, customer retention metrics can be considered crucial for several reasons. Among these, the virtual absence of a barrier to entry for competitors in the virtual arena makes online sellers willing to build an enduring relationship with their customers. From the... [Read More]

Olx Cars Shiny App

How much should I sell my car for? I was moving to another country and had to sell a lot of things in a limited amount of time. This included my car too which I bought exactly a year back for 285K in INR. What should I expect from... [Read More]

Reading Jsons In R

Scrape data from eCommerce Site using R and JSON Scraping data from web has become very easy through libraries which read html. The best example I found and used for a couple of months for it’s simplicity and tidy principles is rvest by Hadley Wickham However, scraping data... [Read More]